Tuesday, January 27


i just realized that i can write anything on this blog.  yes, obviously.  but what may not be so obvious is that i have a tendency to wait to unveil parts of myself, or wait until i have everything figured out (a plan), and then announce it to the world. which, ironically enough, is the exact opposite of what i want this blog to be about. which, ironically enough, is the reason why i have been waiting to post something. so what if i don't have everything figured out?

here's to overcoming my reluctance for action.  wow, this is harder than i thought.


  1. I feel like you made this really hard on yourself...

  2. haha laura's comment's funny.

    well, jeff.
    if anything,
    you definitely have a nice looking blog on your hands.
    now alls you gots to do is write in it.
