Sunday, March 8


in 5 days i'll be in an airplane over the atlantic heading for france.  we'll spend 2 days in paris and then head on to taize, a small rural town in western france.  there we'll be spending the rest of the week at a monastery called taize.  i decided on a whim to go on this trip and i hope i'll be glad i went.

i'm slightly nervous about flying over the ocean...i don't like flying over water.  i'm ok with the idea of crashing on land, but the ocean is a different story.  if you make it out of the plane alive, it's not like you can just go sit somewhere and wait for help to arrive.  you're kind the middle of the ocean.  oh well.  france will be france.

i trust that the Lord has something to say to me this next week and so i trust that He will keep me safe.  pray for me...i'm not sure why but this flying thing has me worried more than it should.

1 comment:

  1. you'll looove it, i just know it.
    you'll be safe, you'll have lots of people praying for you guys,
    and we're all really excited for you.
    once you get across that ocean, who knows if you'll ever want to stay too long on this side of it?
